The Problem Of Benzodiazepine Addiction – A Psychological Mechanism
The growing rush of life, increased requirements for social status and material possession mean that more and more people between 25-55 years of age suffer from serious mental disorders. As it turns out, this is the most common cause of addiction to psychotropic substances. Xanax has a calming effect and allows you to relax. Unfortunately, taking it voluntarily is a vicious cycle that may end tragically. The addicted person begins to spend more and more time getting drugs. It usually does this in two ways. The first is going to various specialists (often private visits) and asking (and sometimes begging) for prescriptions, even in the absence of symptoms indicating to take them. The second way is to illegally obtain Xanax blisters via the Internet.
A person addicted to active substances tries to convince everyone around him that he suffers from serious problems with anxiety, depression or neurosis, and only pharmacological agents can help him in this. Meanwhile, the source of health problems is addiction itself. The patient not only loses the ability to think in common sense, but also has no control over the need for the drug. This necessity arises above all in times of increased stress, accumulation of negative emotions or sadness. It is especially dangerous for addicts to combine benzodiazepines with alcohol. Cross-tolerance then develops, which means that increased alcohol tolerance goes hand in hand with the same drug dependency. Unfortunately, wanting to get high is much stronger than the thought of having serious health consequences.
There can be many causes of addiction. Among psychiatrists, The Most Frequently Mentioned Are:
- conditioning model – it talks about the specific circumstances in which a psychoactive substance is taken. The stimulus to reach for a drug may be an image, a specific life situation, or even a signal. The constant repetition of such factors leads to the consolidation of the habit,
- genetic model – it turns out that the closest relatives of people who are alcoholics, drug addicts or drug addicts are at risk,
- personality model – it tells about the existence of a personality that is more prone to developing an addiction. Most often they are antisocial people, characterized by destructive behavior. Taking the drug is for them a substitute for interpersonal relationships or a way to alleviate internal conflicts,
- positive reinforcement model – for many addicts taking the drug after which they feel calmer is a reward in itself. This mechanism promotes the motivation to re-consume.
How To Get Out Of Addiction?
Any addiction to psychotropic drugs requires intervention. Help should be sought from specialists, including addiction treatment centers. Ignoring the problem leads to mental suffering, not only of the sick person, but also of their relatives. The awareness and willingness to overcome the addiction is the key to starting therapy that may be successful.
The treatment program is determined individually, tailored to the needs of a given patient. Therapy can take place in outpatient clinics, addiction treatment centers and closed institutions (in more serious cases). Such treatment is supported by psychotherapy (support groups or individual sessions). Each program requires the full commitment of the sick person and patience. Unfortunately, getting rid of the problem is not easy and usually takes time. The presence and education of the addict’s family is helpful.
Read more: Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center in NJ
During psychological sessions, the patient learns strategies for coping with stressful moments. All spheres of life (including family, work, finances and passions) and how addiction has affected them are broken down into prime factors. It is often recommended to participate in support groups, where you meet people who try to fight their own weaknesses on a daily basis. This is to motivate the patient and show that he is not alone. Information on the nearest support groups can be found at the nearest primary care doctor.
In addition to psychotherapy, detoxification may also be necessary. It is a particularly difficult process and must be supervised by a specialist. It consists in stopping the consumption of a psychoactive substance so that it is safe for health. Sometimes the psychiatrist decides to switch to a different medication or slowly reduce the dose. Most often, the patient has to ‘collide’ with the withdrawal symptoms. This is one of the most difficult moments in the entire therapy.
Life After Rehab
After the end of therapy, care should be taken to ensure that the addiction does not recur. It is not easy, but just knowing where the addiction leads to and being able to seek help from specialists.